Kidney Lentils Lima Mung Pink

Nutritional Values for 100 Grams of food.
Scroll right to see RDA for a 174 lb man or a 138 lb woman.

Kidney              Lima     Mung      Pink    Male   Female
                               Beans   Lentils    Beans    Beans     Beans    RDA     RDA
    Nutrient            Unit  -------  -------    ------   -------   -------  ----    -----
Food energy            KCal: 333.000   338.000   338.000  347.000   343.000   2900    2200
Protein                 Gms:  23.580    28.060    28.060   23.860    20.960     63      50
Total lipid (fat)       Gms:   0.830     0.960     0.960    1.150     1.130    100      78
Carbohydrate, by diff.  Gms:  60.010    57.090    57.090   62.620    64.190    470     366
Total saturated fat     Gms:   0.120     0.135     0.135    0.348     0.292     33      25
Ttl monounsaturated fat Gms:   0.064     0.163     0.163    0.161     0.098
Ttl polyunsaturated fat Gms:   0.457     0.447     0.447    0.384     0.487
Cholesterol             Mg :   0.000     0.000     0.000    0.000     0.000    300     300
Sodium                  Mg :  24.000    10.000    10.000   15.000     8.000    388     388
Total dietary fiber     Gms:  24.900    30.500    30.500   16.300    12.700     25      25
Vitamin A               Re :   1.000     4.000     4.000   11.000     0.000   1000     800
Vitamin A               IU :   8.000    39.000    39.000  114.000     0.000
Ascorbic acid           Mg :   4.500     6.200     6.200    4.800     0.000     60      60
Thiamin                 Mg :   0.529     0.475     0.475    0.621     0.772    1.2     1.1
Riboflavin              Mg :   0.219     0.245     0.245    0.233     0.192    1.7     1.3
Niacin                  Mg :   2.060     2.621     2.621    2.251     1.892     20      15
Vitamin B6              Mg :   0.397     0.535     0.535    0.382     0.527      2     1.6
Folacin                 Mcg: 394.100   432.800   432.800  624.900   463.200    200     180
Vitamin B12             Mcg:   0.000     0.000     0.000    0.000     0.000      6       6

    Nutrient                  Kidney    Lentils    Lima     Mung      Pink    Male   Female

Potassium               Mg :1406.000   905.000   905.000 1246.000  1464.000   2000    2000
Calcium                 Mg : 143.000    51.000    51.000  132.000   130.000   1000    1000
Phosphorus              Mg : 407.000   454.000   454.000  367.000   415.000    800     800
Magnesium               Mg : 140.000   107.000   107.000  189.000   182.000    400     330
Iron                    Mg :   8.200     9.020     9.020    6.740     6.770     10      18
Zinc                    Mg :   2.790     3.610     3.610    2.680     2.550     15      12
Pantothenic acid        Mg :   0.780     1.849     1.849    1.910     0.997     10      10
Copper                  Mg :   0.958     0.852     0.852    0.941     0.810      2       2
Manganese               Mg :   1.021     1.429     1.429    1.035     1.376    3.5     3.5
Ash                     Gms:   3.830     2.700     2.700    3.320     3.660
Water                   Gms:  11.750    11.190    11.190    9.050    10.060
Food energy             KJ :1393.000  1413.000  1413.000 1453.000  1437.000
Myristic acid (14:0)    Gms:             0.003     0.003              0.001
Palmitic acid (16:0)    Gms:   0.106     0.116     0.116    0.250     0.274
Palmitoleic acid (16:1) Gms:             0.002     0.002
Stearic acid  (18:0)    Gms:   0.014     0.014     0.014    0.071     0.018
Oleic acid      (18:1)  Gms:   0.064     0.157     0.157    0.161     0.098
Linoleic acid (18:2/n6) Gms:   0.178     0.351     0.351    0.357     0.265    3.0     2.5
Linolenic acid(18:3/n3) Gms:   0.279     0.096     0.096    0.027     0.222    2.0     1.6

    Nutrient                  Kidney    Lentils    Lima     Mung      Pink     Male   Female

Gadoleic acid (20:1)    Gms:             0.004     0.004
Phytosterols            Mg : 127.000                       23.000
Histidine               Gms:   0.656     0.790     0.790    0.695     0.583   0.95    0.76
Isoleucine              Gms:   1.041     1.212     1.212    1.008     0.925   1.10    0.63
Leucine                 Gms:   1.882     2.034     2.034    1.847     1.673   1.00    0.88
Lysine                  Gms:   1.618     1.957     1.957    1.664     1.438   0.84    0.76
Methionine              Gms:   0.355     0.238     0.238    0.286     0.315
Cystine                 Gms:   0.256     0.368     0.368    0.210     0.228
Methionine+Cystine      Gms:   0.611     0.606     0.606    0.496     0.543   1.00    0.82
Phenylalanine           Gms:   1.275     1.383     1.383    1.443     1.133
Tyrosine                Gms:   0.664     0.750     0.750    0.714     0.590
Phenylalanine+Tyrosine  Gms:   1.939     2.133     2.133    2.157     1.723   1.11     .88
Threonine               Gms:   0.992     1.006     1.006    0.782     0.882   0.55    0.88
Tryptophan              Gms:   0.279     0.251     0.251    0.260     0.248   0.50    0.40
Valine                  Gms:   1.233     1.392     1.392    1.237     1.096   0.85    0.63
Arginine                Gms:   1.460     2.168     2.168    1.672     1.298
Alanine                 Gms:   0.988     1.172     1.172    1.050     0.878
Aspartic acid           Gms:   2.852     3.102     3.102    2.756     2.535
Glutamic acid           Gms:   3.595     4.350     4.350    4.264     3.195
Glycine                 Gms:   0.920     1.140     1.140    0.954     0.818
Proline                 Gms:   1.000     1.172     1.172    1.095     0.889
Serine                  Gms:   1.282     1.293     1.293    1.176     1.140