Margarine Powder

Margarine Powder

Margarine powder is made from most of the same ingredients that regular margarine is made from but there's a bit of added processing with milk solids to turn it into a powder. Even though it's in a powdered form, margarine powder's first ingredient is the same kind of fats and oils found in regular margarine. Because of the milk solids, margarine powder does have an added 'milky taste' to the natural margarine flavoring. Reconstituted margarine powder looks much like whipped butter or margarine. In addition to using butter powder in your baking, reconstituted margarine powder works just fine as a spread for bread or pancakes. On hot toast or pancakes, reconstituted margarine powder melts into the surface almost as well as grocery store bought margarine. Be aware that it has that slight, milky flavor we mentioned earlier. However, once your taste buds have made the transition, you won't notice any differences.

Margarine powder goes well in all baked goods, on cooked vegetables, with pasta, rice, potato dishes, and virtually anywhere you'd use margarine. Because it's in a solid form you can't fry with it like you can with regular margarine, however. But this is about it's only limitation. There are also many advantages. For example, when you are making mixes for later use, you can't add regular margarine to the mix without ruining it. But you can add margarine powder which mixes right in with the rest of the dry ingredients. Margarine powder is also the perfect solution for your camping needs. As it needs no refrigeration, you never have to concern yourself with any waste. Simply mix the small amount needed for the meal your preparing.

Margarine powder is a great food to keep around to make your day-to-day cooking more flavorful and robust. But, with it's long storing characteristics, margarine powder will also make your food storage much more enjoyable should you have to live from it for a long period of time.