Principles And Practices Of Seed Storage Table 13

Excerpt from Agriculture Handbook No. 506

TABLE 13.--Seed germination of 10 crops after
110 and 250 days of storage at 6 temperature-relative humidity conditions 1

           Germination at indicated moisture and relative humidity 2
                       Percent Germination After 110 Days Storage
             Before     10 degrees C.            26.7 degrees C.
            Storage     51%   66%   81% Humidity 44%   66%   78%
                 Percent Germination After 110 Days' Storage

Bean, kidney   97       88    88    83           80    81    60
Bean, lima     76       68    60    75           59    65    54
Beet           83       87    87    85           93    88    78
Cabbage        93       93    71    89           90    90    66
Carrot         93       90    90    88           89    89    56
Corn, sweet    82       62    66    58           66    67    13
Onion          80       74    75    61           79    65     0
Peanut         83       75 3   71    76           60    43     0
Spinach        73       80    72    73           76    69    23
Tomato         92       93    90    90           92    87    77

  Average      85.2     81.0  77.0  77.8         78.4  74.4  42.7

       Germination at indicated moisture and relative humidity 2
               Percent Germination After 250 Days Storage  
             Before     10 degrees C.            26.7 degrees C.
            Storage     51%   66%   81% Humidity 44%   66%   78%

Bean, kidney   97       78    79    91           92    87     0
Bean, lima     76       58    69    61           47    61    26
Beet           83       85    81    87           88    79     9
Cabbage        93       92    92    88           91    89     1
Carrot         93       91    88    88           90    87     1
Corn, sweet    82       79    60    57           70    66     0
Onion          80       75    76    64           73    37     0
Peanut         83       70    68    49           58    29     0
Spinach        73       73    71    63           75    63     0
Tomato         92       91    91    87           92    85    68

  Average      85.2     79.2  77.5  73.5         77.6  68.3  10.5
  • Data from Boswell et al. (1940).
  • Percent germination adjusted to nearest whole number
  • Correction made in original data based on 77-percent germination after
    2 1/2 months' storage and 70 percent after 8 1/2 months' storage.